Ms. Amaral's Contact Information

Please make sure you stay in contact with me so that we can make this year a great one!
The best ways to contact me are to:  
  • Send a note with your child
  • Email me at
In an urgent situation you may call the school but often times it is difficult for me to get out of the classroom to attend to a call.
Whenever I send a note home I will have a "please sign" section at the bottom and  I request that you sign the note so that I am aware you have received it.  We know that sometimes notes are forgotten in backpacks and folders and this lets me know if you have had a chance to take a look at the note.
Just as a reminder, evaluations are sent home EVERY FRIDAY and should be signed and returned on Monday. Evaluations are a great way for me to communicate to you how your child is doing on a weekly basis and it is your child's responsibility to make sure they are bringing them home to be signed each week.
Thank you so much for your cooperation!